200 GUNNER24 Trading Setup Examples
The GUNNER24 method of trading is simple and easy to use. It gives you valuable insights into market cycles and is the only price and time forecasting technique that will show you the price targets you can anticipate. This market roadmap is absolutely amazing. With only two mouse clicks the GUNNER24 Setup is drawn to immediately and precisely show you the price and time targets to be expected. Just sit back and watch the targets being attained with bull’s eye accuracy.
What this eBook is not designed to do is to teach you the basics of trading, or technical analysis, or any other such rudimentary, basic endeavors. So it is focused on the real and practical trading with the GUNNER24 Forecasting Technique.
This eBook will familiarize you with all trade entry methods of the GUNNER24 Forecasting Technique we know of. The trading setups will hold up over time, in any kind of market. You will learn everything you need to know about the GUNNER24 Forecasting Setups – step-by-step.
The topics covered in depth are:
- Determination of the GUNNER24 Initial Impulse
- GUNNER24 Initial Impulse with just one long candlestick
- Transition from the old to the new GUNNER24 Setup
- Utilization of the traditional chart technique
- Trading the first arc, the first square and the double arcs
- Trading with multiple time frames
- Advanced GUNNER24 Setups
- Gap trading strategies
- Overnight trading
Click the Button below and order the new eBook with 200 GUNNER24 Trading Setup Examples for $99 US.

New - 200 GUNNER24 Trading Setup Examples
- Four-color eBook in PDF file format for instant download
- 96 pages boasting 80 charts and more than 200 GUNNER24 Trading Setups
- For traders by traders
- Innovative, never before published advanced techniques
- Fastest possible entry into the GUNNER24 Forecasting Method for traders eager to save time.
- We keep it simple – one chart says more than 1,000 words