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Newly released GUNNER24 Trading Manual V 1.3 - FREE order!
Download an overview of the GUNNER24 Forecasting Method now. Added content: Entry into the GUNNER24 Impulse Wave Technique – Determining the Initial Impulse - Trade the Horizontal Square Lines and the Dynamic Space Zones - Trade the Double Arcs and Gann Angles. 16-page eBook for instant download. Download your GUNNER24 Trading Manual V 1.3 NOW for FREE.
200 GUNNER24 Trading Setup Examples
All possible GUNNER24 Trading Setups are just a moment away. In more than 80 charts you will find over 200 entry options for the GUNNER24 Setups.
Among them you will find numerous current Setup entries we trade ourselves day after day. It all begins with the standard GUNNER24 Setup spans the entire portfolio to the advanced Setup techniques. All concepts and details pertaining to these trade entries are explained on the basis of the KEEP IT SIMPLE principle. We use simple language, communicate clearly and focus on the real and very practical constraints every trader faces in today´s markets. $99 US.
New - Detailed GUNNER24 Action Sheet
For many market participants, trading is an extremely stressful activity. Many facts are overlooked during a trading sessions, and there is a lot of room for error.
In the aftermath this frequently leads to idle times, which are completely incomprehensible for us, the traders. Consequently, the following motto applies to active trading: Adhere to your rules.
In keeping with this adage, we have developed our Detailed GUNNER24 Action Sheet for your use. It visually depicts all long and short trades within the GUNNER24 Forecasting Method at a glance: $49 US.
Order the new high exclusive GUNNER24 Forecasting Products - Please complete your order details below

GUNNER24 Freeware
Seize the opportunity to get to know the GUNNER24 Forecasting Method fundamentals at no cost to you! Start instantly and download the freeware version of the GUNNER24 Charting Software.
While its functions are strictly limited when you compare it to the full version, it will allow you to familiarize yourself with the functions of the GUNNER24 Concept and to post trade in accordance with the GUNNER24 Trading System. Even with the freeware version you will be able to create the GUNNER24 Forecasting Setups using any chart generated with your own charting software, or any chart obtained from the Internet or any other application.
GUNNER24 Forecasting Charting Software
System autonomous – fully functional – complete forecasting structure – discloses all target benchmarks – place the GUNNER24 Forecasting Method across any chart – 2-click technique – the only charting software that provides you with the vision as to where and when the current move will end – place the overlay variant across real time charts – use the snap version to perform analyses
“To me as a trader, the target benchmarks I receive are absolutely ingenious. They apply to both – price and time. However, not only do I get clever entry signals; the best to me are the double arcs, which give me complete confidence in my decisions. They make me feel certain that the trade will be successful. I would have never imagined that I would one day change my trading style, but the market forecasts I receive from GUNNER24 make my trading so simple and save me a lot of time. All it takes are 2 mouse clicks and all of my entry options are defined. All my targets are in place and I can relax.” $399 US.
Complete GUNNER24 Trading and Forecasting Course
This will give you the critical knowledge you need to forecast and analyze the markets with the GUNNER24 Forecasting Technique. The NEW course is a must for any trader/investor who wants to understand this innovative and revolutionary forecasting method and use it successfully in everyday trading. This is a 110-page eBook that covers the complete start to finish approach to trading and forecasting, from the definition of the initial impulse, the facts behind its function, the complete trading rules to the most advanced GUNNER24 Applications. The materials in this course are all you will ever need if you plan to trade the markets and make a living doing so. $249 US.
GUNNER24 Trade of the Day - 1 month
The hottest trades worldwide! Everyday one fresh trading idea – Your short-term e-mail trader for quick and safe profits.
You don´t need any Gann knowledge. Just go ahead and trade after Gann`s secret forecasting methods. You will gain experience and perception of many forecasting methods. Within the GUNNER24 Trade of the Day you trade steadily and disciplined, focusing on profitable short-term trading.
For every trading day, you’ll get the most profitable trade out of the following pool: S&P 500, the NASDAQ-100, the Dow Jones, the DAX, the FTSE 100 and Nikkei 225 as well as gold, silver, platinum, copper, crude oil, EUR/USD, $, €, ¥, £ and the worldwide hottest stocks.
A daily alert-e-mail will be sent to the traders. Additional sending follows in case of urgent call for action. They contain a chart with the GUNNER24 Setups, comments, buy-and-sell-triggers, targets, detailled order instructions and stop-loss. Eduard Altmann is the head trader. $49.90 US a month. 201 traders and up: $59.90 US.
GUNNER24 Gold Trader - 1 month
New e-mail trader for pure, quick short term gold and silver trading. All the GUNNER24 Trading Signals you receive real-time are based on the actual Gold and Silver Future.
Short term trading at sight of just a few trading days and frequently just a couple of trading hours. Preferred duration of keeping between a few days and several weeks. From phase to phase a very active trading style to adjust oneself to the volatility of the market. Investment instruments: Actual Gold and Silver Future, ETF and CFD. The investors who prefer to trade gold and silver physically will simply do it directly, physically then, within the medium-term points of change we reveal.
Between 2 and 3 e-mails a week are sent to the GUNNER24 Gold Traders. It’s some more in addition in case of a special call for action. They contain from one to three charts with the GUNNER24 Setups, comments, prospects and instructions for action about the important time frames. Eduard Altmann is the head trader – who else! $39.90 US a month. 201 members and up: $49.90 US.
Membership - 1 month – 7-Day RISK FREE TRIAL
During your 1-month GUNNER24 Membership you can extensively test and post trade all GUNNER24 Setups that emerge on the market. Of course you won’t be able to do that immediately, as you will first have to familiarize yourself with the system so that your trades will be successful. The more you work with the GUNNER24 Setups, and the more intense your engagement, the more confident you will become. Learn all of the GUNNER24 Techniques. Experience how easy it is to define the initial impulse and the future schedule for any stock and index as you use the one-of-a-kind 2-click technique; which also makes the management of all futures, commodities, bonds and currencies on any time level – domestically and internationally – easy and convenient for you. 1 Month $99 US, 7 day RISK FREE TRAIL.
Membership - 3 months - Best Offer
This GUNNER24 Membership is dedicated to the development of your skills as a GUNNER24 Trader over the long term. With the help and guidance of two professional GUNNER24 Traders in the Member Area you can develop yourself into a highly successful GUNNER24 Trader. It´s also a signal service for professional traders who want to spare time and need a lot of delivered GUNNER24 Setups in different markets to produce one winner after the other.
We deliver all GUNNER24 Setups in the Member Area based on real time pricing, so that you can post trade all Setups immediately without any delay. 3 months $249 US, 7 day RISK FREE TRIAL.
Commissioned Charting Forecast
We provide long term analyses of equity indices, metals, commodities, individual stocks and currencies for clients in investment banking, corporate & commercial banking and asset management with hedging requirements, leading financial institutions or longer term investment strategies.
Thanks to the fact that the GUNNER24 Initial Impulse has been tracked over the course of many years in a wide variety of different markets, our research department is now in a position to derive and forecast the resulting future market developments in terms of prices and time with maximum precision.